The Sweetness of Finitude
Verena Zeiner & Ziv Ravitz
2022 | Sessionwork Records | Vinyl, CD, Digital
Verena Zeiner | piano, compositions
Ziv Ravitz | drums
Recorded by David Furrer | Aurora Studios | Vienna, March 2021
Mixed and mastered by Ziv Ravitz
Produced by Verena Zeiner
Artwork by Le Monsieur Flash
Cover photo by Paul Zeiner
Video by Christina Jägersberger
We recommend ordering directly from the artist, as this is the most artist-friendly way to purchase the album. We are happy to send it as vinyl, CD or download code!
We recommend ordering directly from the artist, as this is the most artist-friendly way to purchase the album. We are happy to send it as vinyl, CD or download code! ---
Fotos: Perrine Rosseau / Theresa Pewal
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„Die musikalische Sprache, die beide als Duo erschaffen, ist von einer sehr feinfühligen und zugleich sehr fein abgestimmten Art. Die einzelnen Elemente – Verena Zeiners ungemein facettenreiches Spiel und Ziv Ravitz` variantenreiche Rhythmusarbeit – greifen auf wirklich wunderbare Weise ineinander. Man gewinnt fast den Eindruck, als würden sie schon Jahre lang zusammenspielen. Was die beiden wirklich ganz exzellent beherrschen, ist, ihre Musik mit Stimmung und Emotionen aufzuladen. Sie verwandeln ihre Stücke in fesselnde Klangbilder, die zwischen sanfter und zerbrechlicher Ruhe, verspielter Verträumtheit und dramatischer Note spannungsgeladen hin und her pendeln.“
„The musical language that the two create as a duo is very sensitive and at the same time very finely tuned. The individual elements - Verena Zeiner’s incredibly multifaceted playing and Ziv Ravitz’s varied rhythm work - mesh together in a truly wonderful way. You almost get the impression that they have been playing together for years. What the two of them really do excellently is charge their music with mood and emotion. They transform their pieces into captivating sound images that swing back and forth between gentle and fragile calm, playful dreaminess and dramatic notes, full of tension.“

Photos: Paul Zeiner (live), Ian Ehm (Studio)